In May 2012, Territoires de Cirque produced 10 proposals for a new circus policy in France that reflect the thrust of Cirque en campagne operation : 13 meetings throughout France dedicated to current, circus-specific issues attended by artists, intellectuals, cultural operators, elected officials, and audiences.

We are continuing to push for these ten proposals :

  1. Strike for a new balance among the means allocated to training, production, and circulation
  2. Strengthen companies’ professional backgrounds
  3. Consolidate means of production
  4. Strengthen and enlarge the interregional fabric
  5. Present circus more broadly
  6. Devise a national plan to support big top circuses
  7. Assert the need for cross-over financing
  8. Respect the creative process and move beyond instrumentalization
  9. Continue to broaden and find new audiences
  10. Take a sustainable-development approach for the circus of tomorrow